Stories from Our Community

Social Innovation and the Arab Spring

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin’s comments are perhaps more relevant now than ever before; adaptation to change is at the centre of building resilience for sustainability. Our planet is constant...

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What we learned from our Eco-Retreat

This article is written by a student from Loreto College Curepipe (LCC) in Mauritius, through which she shares what she learned from the eco-retreat that was organized by LCC in July 2014 to La Vallee de Ferney.

The Kestrel

 The kestrel in an endemic bird of Mauritius. They are to be found on...

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Innovation in Learning for Sustainable Development

is a vague and abstract concept. Many people do not even understand the word “sustainability”. So, in simpler words it is the ability to understand the natural system that makes life possible on earth and to understand how everything is interconnected.

Global sustainability is the integration bet...

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Learning for Sustainability at BPS College

As education is an act of imparting and acquiring general knowledge, developing the power of reasoning and judgement and also preparing oneself for the future. Hence, it is at school that we should raise the awareness of present and future generations on the urge that the planetary sustainability fo...

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Reflections from Zaahirah at LCC

When I looked back, reflecting on the last three years as a Mentor for Thrivability Education (formerly EfS) for Loreto College Curepipe (LCC), I saw myself sitting with my notebook in the conference room at ICJM, evasive about what we could learn about which initially started as Ecological Literacy...
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What is the Purpose of Education

As a former student in the conventional education system of Syria I know I have asked myself this question a million times: what is the purpose of education? I couldn’t see the point of memorising text books, or reading the notes the professor dictated us during class. How could this information be ...

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