Stories from Our Community

Maroonage and Slavery – The important distinction between the enslaved and the free

general Feb 01, 2019

Maroonage & Slavery: The important distinction between the enslaved and the free

As an actor-singer, writer and lecturer in diversity within performance, I have learnt to both value and respect the use of key terminology to describe a race, an idea or a state of ...

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Responding to runaway Climate Change: Indigenous Wisdom for Planetary Health


2018 and 2019 will prove to be critical years, as we continue our journey toward actualizing a new, just, inclusive global civilization and a culture of peace that respects and honors all members of our Human Family and all Life. During the last two years rapidly escalating gl...

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Leadership Quest Reflections by Tiger Lane

general leadership quest Sep 15, 2018

Tiger Lane received a full scholarship from us to participate in our Leadership Quest of June-July 2018. Tiger Lane, son of Chief Phil Lane, is from the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations. At the time of writing this article he is only 18 years old, and a student at Earl Mariott High School (U...

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WOMENwise Journeys and the wisdom of fire

As we look around, we can see that the heat is on…in our climate, in our politics, and in the way we relate with each other. Yet this same fire is also within all of us. Imagine what we can change in our world when we remember and accept the power that the element of fire gifts us, and we redirect t...

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Into the Heart of Systems Change with Jean Russell

What does Thrivability mean? What are the deeper systemic barriers that may become activated once we start to work with transformational change? What is it that we need to realize, change, and act upon to ensure our collective thrivability, including the future generations? These questions and mor...

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Syntony Conversations – Theory of Attraction, Agency, and Time-flows

Narrations by Anneloes Smitsman, Alexander Laszlo, and Kurt Barnes, as excerpts from conversations that took place in the context of writing our articles “Attracting our Future into Being” and “The Polarity Effect – Healing our Worldviews”.



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Education for Sustainability at St Mary’s College

This article has been written by the Education for Sustainability (EfS) mentors of St Mary’s College Rose-Hill (Mauritius). They were trained by Anneloes Smitsman from 2012-2017. This is their final evaluation report that highlights how they implemented the EfS principles at their secondary school...

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The Wisdom of Kanyini – Love with Responsibility

“Kanyini is best expressed in English as the combination of the two words ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Unconditional Love’, but it is actually a relationship; it is an enormous caring with no limit – it has no timeframe: it is eternal” ~ `Uncle Bob Randall

To stop the worsening climate crisis and the ma...

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What it means to be empowered

TRANSCRIPT: “In order to talk about Love let us talk about power first. It will help if we can deepen these concepts. We are talking here about ‘empowerment’, but I don’t think we actually understand the word power. For a lot of people the word power also has become a painful experience because ...

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Stewardship for our collective wellbeing

Whole Self development through connectedness with Life and each other, is not encouraged by our conventional educational, economic and political systems. Major changes are required in each of these systems to develop the competencies for becoming Stewards for our Collective and Planetary Wellbeing...

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