Stories from Our Community

Living from our Wholeness

general wisdom May 07, 2017

Living from our wholeness and remaining inherently integrated while living in a world that is divisional, fragmented and imbalanced can be quite a challenge. People often feel that it is not possible to bring forth their inner wholeness and essential qualities in our human-made worlds. On 2 May 20...

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The Evolution of our Ego Consciousness

Psychiatrist Carl Jung, founder of the School of Analytical Psychology, once said: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious“. To better understand this process, it may be helpful to consider the development of modern ego perception and ...

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Living Wisdom Support

Our beautiful planet sustains us with her love and care in many different ways. There is much we can learn from her if we recognise the Wisdom by which she teaches us through the processes of Life. Mother Earth knows how to balance and renew herself. This same power is within each of us. As her ch...

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Australian Aboriginal Wisdoms – Growing from the Feminine

general Feb 24, 2017

The following is a short story of my time in 2005 with an Australian Aboriginal Elder who is a Medicine Man of High Degree from the Kimberley (North-West Australia). I lived in Australia for 8 years, during which time I had the opportunity to meet with some of the Elders of the various tribes and ...

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The Tide is Turning – Divesting from DAPL and Fossil Fuels

While decisions in December 2016 by the US Army Corps of Engineers brought the Dakota Access pipeline drilling near Standing Rock to a halt, the project has only been delayed and could still be completed in 2017. Understanding the “precarious” financial and legal situation of the DAPL (Dakota Acce...

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Learning for Sustainability at Loreto College

Loreto College Curepipe (LCC) has been part of the EARTHwise Thrivability Education initiatives (formerly the Education for Sustainability programme) since 2011. Since a few years, EfS is now fully implemented in the whole curriculum and has become part of our mainstream education, with the financia...

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Learning for Sustainability at St Mary’s College

St Mary’s College Rose-Hill in Mauritius participated in the EARTHwise Thrivability Education program (formerly Education for Sustainability) from 2012-2016. Through this article, the Mentors who received training from EARTHwise during this period, share how they have implemented the Sustainabilit...

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Ecotourism and Cultural Heritage at St Mary’s College

In the beginning of 2014 our School St Mary’s College (SMC) Rose-Hill (Mauritius) signed the Education for Sustainability Pledge. In keeping with our commitment to this, the Travel and Tourism students of SMC organized various activities on the themes of Culture & Heritage, and Ecotourism during t...

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Trilogie – 1. La chute et la Reine des Marrons

general Sep 07, 2016

Le Paysage culturel du Morne, à l’Ile Maurice, est un des plus importants sites inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l’Unesco. Il est dédié au marronnage et à la résistance à l’esclavage pour la Liberté. Cela est dû au nombre important d’esclaves en fuite qui s’y sont regroupés au point ...

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Lost in Paradise, the Maroon Quest

general stories of impact Aug 17, 2016

In this article we share with you part two of our publications about the Maroon Legends of Mauritius in the context of the Le Morne Cultural Landscape as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Le Morne Mountain became the most important place of refuge for the maroons in Mauritius. It also became a beacon...

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