Stories from Our Community

[NEWS] Landmark Strategic Partnership: SingularityNET & EARTHwise

Game-Changing Partnership for Massively Transformative Impact! EARTHwise and SingularityNET agree to enter into a landmark strategic partnership for taking on the wicked challenges of our time together and accelerating societal transformation. EARTHwise’s renowned living systems solutions for syste...

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Living Systems and the Call for Civilizational Transformation

living systems Mar 04, 2023

We are entering times of catalytic tipping points. Life on planet Earth is radically shifting in ways we are not prepared for. Major actions are required to shift trajectories from collapse to regeneration and thriving.

Scientists continue to warn how our world is on the brink of disastrous tipping...

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What is the maximum goodness that we can create together?

 Life as a Unified Reality

Life is a living system. Life and consciousness at deeper orders of reality are unified. There is no such thing as separation; nothing exists out of that larger wholeness we all form part of. The reality of life is thus also interdependent and interconnected. Onc

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The Call for Educational Transformation

On 7 September 2021, we launched the publication of the r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint, for which I served as the lead author, and co-authored with Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm. This ninth Blueprint in the r3.0 work ecosystem of Blueprints includes 7 Transformative Learning Perspectives for ...

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Coronavirus - A Symptom of our Evolutionary Development?

leadership quest Mar 13, 2020

Man’s general way of thinking of the totality, i.e. his general world view, is crucial for overall order of the human mind itself.”~ David Bohm

Now, more than ever, it’s important to think clearly and calmly.

The COVID-19 recently declared pandemic has been emotionally challenging for

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Personal PhD Reflections by Dr Anneloes Smitsman

Through this article, I would like to share my personal reflections about the last 5 years of my PhD research. On 18 December 2019, I received my Degree of Doctor after defending my Dissertation Into the Heart of Systems Change. The text below is adapted from chapter 13 of my PhD dissertation.

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The Hearth of Thrivability by Dr. Meredith Lowry

I want to tell you about an experience this week that warmed and filled my heart in a way that it spoke to me about what creates an atmosphere of Thrivability. 

I went to a holiday fundraising gathering event hosted by The Hearth, a local community storytelling organization started by a very specia...

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Essential Foundations for a Thrivability Civilization by Author Kim Conrad

There are numerous essential foundations for this unfolding of a new civilization based on Thrivability.

A couple of them are ‘inclusive diversity’ and ‘co-creative collaboration’. Inclusive diversity is the art of seeking out and leveraging the collective mixture of individual differences and simi...

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How the 5 Future Archetypes offered me ancestral transmutation & healing, using the healing power of Water

I am water

Sometimes can always depend on

Sometimes liquid...fits in anywhere

Sometimes vapor...ephemeral...I am there and then I am gone

Sometimes ice...but can be dissolved by fire

Sometimes swirling....with passion

Sometimes tranquil....with still desire

Always flowing....unaw...

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What is your Vision for Our Future?

Have you ever been told that, "you are too optimistic, you don't know the real world, you are a dreamer with nice ideas but the world is just not like that"? I have heard this probably since I was a little girl. Did it stop me from doing what I passionately believe in? NO. If anything, it made me ev...

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