The Earth Song
Answering the Call of Mother Earth
Awakening the Heart of Humanity
The Earth Song serves to unite us in our love and care for Mother Earth, the one and only Mother we all have in common. To become the future humans of a Promised New Beginning, a new cycle of time and consciousness.
The Earth Song project is an EARTHwise initiative, founded by Anneloes Smitsman in collaboration with the EARTHwise Collaboratory and partners. To become tipping points of love and creativity for the co-creation of a thriving world and future, in partnership with Life and Mother Earth.
The co-creative phase of the Earth Song project will launch in 2023, making it possible for you to join and add your voice and creativity. To stay in touch sign-up via our form below.
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The Promise of a New beginning
The Earth Song began as a Message from Mother Earth, for which the time is now.
Listen to this Message via the video below...
The seed of the Earth Song came to Anneloes as a Message from Mother Earth about the Promise of a New Beginning. This Message came to her in 2016 during a profound transformational process that changed her life. As she wrote down these Messages, it turned into 13 Love Letters from Mother Earth, which she later published as a book by the same title. These Messages have now evolved further, into this musical spoken word version as Messages from Mother Earth.
Mother Earth reminds us how we each form part of her Earth Song, as we are a song of Life. By bringing forth our unique sounds, songs, and voices of Life, we become the portal for the Promised New Beginning, the future humans of a new cycle of time and consciousness.
Messages from Mother EarthThe Invitation
Each of us is a Song of Life, even though many have forgotten their song. The Universe itself came into being through the power of sound. We live in a Universe of sound. It's through sound that consciousness shifts and materializes.
The Earth Song invites you to join the Symphony of Nature and discover how we together can unite and heal our divided worlds. To listen to the wisdom and whispers of Mother Earth. To answer Her Call in song and sound, by joining Her Earth Song.
The Experiment for Catalyzing Our Evolutionary Next Step
The Earth Song project also serves as a global experiment for:
- Accelerating the evolution of our species by becoming planetary conscious.
- Discovering how to communicate with our planet and involve her as our partner and Mother of Life.
- Exploring how to evolutionary cohere our collective fields of life, and become a tipping point for planetary awakening.
- Learning the vibrational languages of our planet through sound, resonance, and coherence.
Indigenous people have known for thousands of years that the Songlines of our Earth serve as interspecies communication channels and multi-dimensional portals. Science has barely begun to explore this, even though there is a growing body of scientific evidence about the power of sound and the effect on consciousness and the field dynamics of life.
The Power of Music for Social Change
- Music can powerfully shift our consciousness.
- Music can build community by bringing us into shared experiences.
- Music can unite us into action.
The call from Mother Earth is loud and clear. Unite to resolve our greatest challenges, or risk terminating the human experiment. Through the Earth Song project we explore how to apply the power of music, sound, and narrative as social tipping points for civiliztional transformation.
The Earth Song builds on indigenous practice for purposefully using song, sound, rhythm and narrative to build community and stewardship for our future.
Support the Earth Song project through donation, which goes directly towards developing the technologies and ways for making it possible for everyone to join in the co-creation of The Earth Song.
SUPPORT BY DONATIONMeet the hearts and talents behind this project...

Anneloes Smitsman
Initiator and Composer
Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D. is a futurist and award-winning pioneer in human development and systems change, and award-winning bestselling author. Her programs, practices, and strategies are sought after around the world for actualizing our future human potential, and catalyzing the next steps in human consciousness and systemic design for thrivability. She was awarded the 2022 Visioneers Lifetime Achievement as a Visionary Leader, and was crowned overall African winner in the category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards. Her book Love Letters from Mother Earth and its musical narrated version Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth, serves as the inspiration for the Earth Song. The Earth Song also features in chapter 9 of Return of the Avatars, book 2 of the Future Humans Trilogy, which she co-authored with Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Anita Sanchez
Indigenous Wisdom Council - Coordinator
Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., Nahua (Aztec) and Mexican American, is a consultant, trainer, speaker to Fortune 500 corporations, education, and non-profit organizations. Anita bridges indigenous wisdom and science for individual to societal renewal focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and cultural transformation. Board member of the Pachamama Alliance and Bioneers. Author of Success University for Women in Business and international award-winning book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times. Her other awards include 2020 Conscious Company Media “World Changing Woman,” and 2020 World Woman’s Foundation “Woman of the Hour” #SheisMyHero campaign to inspire 1 million girls to live their dreams and leadership. Anita leads an annual journey to the sacred headwaters of the Amazon to learn from the Achuar and Sapara people and the rainforest.

Alan Howarth
Producer & Sound Designer
Alan Howarth is an Award Winning Composer and Sound Designer whose works span decades of film, multi-media and research. He is the composer and producer of the soundtracks for Messages rom Mother Earth, created and narrated by Anneloes Smitsman. His music and sound designs are utilized in feature films such as Star Trek, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, Star Gate, The Little Mermaid, Escape From New York and The Hunt for Red October. He is a pioneering developer in multi-channel immersive sound and is working with the Academy of Future Science as field researcher analyzing the acoustic properties of sacred sites and the natural frequency spectrum of life itself. He holds several worldwide patents for the conversion of standard musical recordings into tunings of the Natural Frequency Spectrum as defined by nature, science and ancient architecture.