The Promise of a New Beginning
"Billions of years ago, by the count of your human calendar, my body came into being through a symphony of love; a sacred impregnation through seven rays of light. From my perspective as your planet, this is not long ago at all. I’d like you to know that we are deeply united. We were then. We are now. We will always be deeply united.
Whether you’re conscious of this or not, you each are a living cell within my planetary being. Through my forests, rivers, and oceans, I’m your breath of life, each day and night. I’m also like a guardian, a mother for the evolution of life that becomes possible through my planetary being. It’s from my planetary womb, impregnated with the sacred life potentials, that I brought you forth into this life as the human being you are now.
My life-giving powers of nature live deep inside you, and in all of us. You too are nature. It’s by this life-giving power that you can renew and recreate yourself from the sacred seed potentials of the eternal—the eternal source codes of life.
I know that these are challenging times with much uncertainty and suffering. A time of transition between two very important cycles. There is a world that is dying and coming to an end, and there is a new world from a new cycle of time waiting to be born—through you, through me, and through each of us together.
The first beginning held such beautiful promises, dreams, and possibilities. Unfortunately, that first beginning was not able to actualize fully.
This promise of a new beginning, of a new cycle of time, holds the sacred codes for who we truly are, and for how we can bring forth a new world, born from our unity, through wholeness, and by the power of love.
Some of the concepts that you’ll hear me share might be new to you, or unfamiliar. And that’s okay. Take your time with what you’ll discover, learn, and remember. Listen. Listen to my voice. Listen to the wisdom transmitted through the words, and trust that all will become clear. You are the possibility for this world of unity. Your ancient wisdom keepers, prophets, seers, and sages have long foretold this." ~ Mother Earth
~ Opening section of Message 1, The Promise of a New Beginning, by Anneloes Smitsman.
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Messages from Mother Earth
Messages from Mother Earth is a unique audio experience for entering into unity with Mother Earth and Her wisdom. These Messages came to Anneloes Smitsman in 2016, during a profound transformational process that changed her life. As she wrote down these Messages, it turned into 13 Love Letters from Mother Earth, which she later published as a book by the same title. These Messages have now evolved further, into this musical spoken word version as Messages from Mother Earth.
Each Message carries you to the beauty and wisdom of life within you, carried by the voice of Mother Earth. Coming home to who we are beyond this time and place. Remembering life from wholeness and discovering the seed codes for a New Beginning.
These Messages from Mother Earth speak of the Promise of a New Beginning, a new cycle of time and consciousness that already exists within us as our future human potential of our evolutionary next step. The books of the Future Humans Trilogy, by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston, are the actualization of that Promised New Beginning. And so the story continues...
Messages from Mother Earth is created and spoken by Anneloes Smitsman with music composed and produced by Alan Howarth. The music is tuned to an A note of 424 cycles (Hz), which is the natural resonance of the heart.
Love Letters from Mother Earth are also the source inspiration for The Earth Song.
Sign-up via our form below to receive the Supplemental PDF for Message 1, which includes the full transcript, acknowledgements, and creators bio. Please support the artists by purchasing Messages from Mother Earth via Apple Music.
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"Love is power, the power of manifestation. It is only through the power of love that the eternal becomes manifest in the worlds of form."
Meet the Creatives...

Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D.
Creator & Spoken Word
Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D., LLM, is a futurist, systems scientist, award-winning pioneer in human development and systems change, and award-winning bestselling author. She is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre. Her programs, practices, and strategies are sought after around the world for actualizing our future human potential, and catalyzing the next steps in human consciousness and systemic design for thrivability. She was awarded the Visioneers Lifetime Achievement in May 2022, and was crowned overall African winner in the category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards.
She is the author of Love Letters from Mother Earth, and creator of the musical narration Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth, which serves as the main inspiration for The Earth Song. She is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Trilogy, which includes The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award and the #1 Amazon Bestseller Return of the Avatars, She is the co-editor and co-author with Dr. Alexander Laszlo of The New Paradigm in Politics, as well as numerous other publications.

Alan Howarth
Composer & Producer
Alan Howarth is an Award Winning Composer and Sound Designer whose works span decades of film, multi-media and research. He is the composer and producer of the soundtracks for Messages rom Mother Earth, created and narrated by Anneloes Smitsman. His music and sound designs are utilized in feature films such as Star Trek, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, Star Gate, The Little Mermaid, Escape From New York and The Hunt for Red October.
He is a pioneering developer in multi-channel immersive sound and is working with the Academy of Future Science as field researcher analyzing the acoustic properties of sacred sites and the natural frequency spectrum of life itself. He holds several worldwide patents for the conversion of standard musical recordings into tunings of the Natural Frequency Spectrum as defined by nature, science and ancient architecture.

Kurt Barnes
Strategy & Communications
Dr. Kurt Barnes, ND, DEA, is a senior psy-coach and psycho-social expert with extensive expertise in working with individuals and organizations from all levels of society in Mauritius and internationally. He is the voice for Father Sun, in Messages from Mother Earth, and is a co-founder and Chair of EARTHwise Centre.
As an international psycho-social expert he has worked among migrants from Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and America, providing training and consultancy to improve their living conditions and eco-psychological health. He carried out this work in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), related to these issues. He worked for many years in Europe and North America. Kurt is also a registered Naturopathic Physician and applies this with his specialisation in psychology, psychotherapy, and biofeedback.