During this first Masterclass you will learn about the various dimensions of Transition Leadership, and the unique opportunities and responsibilities that come with it. You will be able to explore the transformational dynamics and various stages of our current transition time, and how this relates to you and your rite of passage.
You will receive a visioning exercise for setting a clear intention for your rite of passage during this Leadership Quest, and how to deepen your intuitive awareness during your rite of passage. You will also receive support for becoming more aware of the feelings and dynamics that may arise during the Quickening phase of your rite of passage, and how to consciously work with those dynamics and embrace the unknown. By committing to this process first yourself, you are then able to guide others through this process more consciously.
This Module will support you to:
- Enter consciously and more deeply in your own transformation process, while recognising the phases, stages and steps of transition times and rites of passage more consciously.
- Start or deepen your rite of passage more consciously, making space for the feelings and realisations from deeper places of knowing.
- Discover the role of paradox in transformation and how to surrender to the wisdom of the process to enter the darkness of the unknown.
Practice 1 - Conscious Attention:
Develop the power of focusing from unity.
This will help you to:
- Set a conscious intention for how you enter a transition process and work with the changes that come with a rite of passage;
- Embrace paradox when it is difficult to make sense of what is happening, and surrender to the wisdom of the unknown that can carry you over the threshold;
- Accept the feelings and experiences that arise through a rite of passage and during times of great changes, and welcome those as opportunities for inner growth and self actualization.

The “Third Way” is a unique transformational approach that Anneloes developed, based on her PhD research. It forms the foundation for her Leadership Alchemy process. The Third Way helps us to become conscious of the systemic barriers that we have inherited from growth archetypes of mechanistic worldviews and dualistic thinking patterns. The Third Way helps us to transform those inner and outer barriers of our actualization, to reach our greatest potential together. The presence of those systemic barriers is what keeps many people stuck during transition times.
Through this Module you will learn how to apply the Third Way to diagnose and transform the presence of these systemic barriers in your life and work, as an alchemical process.
This Module will support you to:
- Diagnose and transform systemic thrivability barriers that are hindering your development and our evolutionary growth.
- Develop your leadership alchemy capacity.
- Transform dualistic thinking patterns and behaviours through the Trinity Principle and the practice of Trinity Vision.
Practice 2 - Trinity Vision
Develop the power of seeing from wholeness.
This will help you to:
- Recognize and transform the dualistic tendencies of the mind that arise when we resist and fight against the inner change process of transition times;
- Develop the capacity to walk the middle path during times of deep change when polarities increase, called THE THIRD WAY,
- Grow your consciousness from the cosmic dimensions, which enables you to be in simultaneous awareness of hindsight, insight, and foresight.

We each have tipping point potential, as we each are a point of connection, and we have agency to act and change. During this transition times many different kinds of tipping points are set in motion. Tipping points create accelerated change in the systems we form part. The outcomes of those changes are often not known. Some of the planetary tipping points that are now activated through our climate and biodiversity crisis may well trigger the collapse of entire civilizations. Through this module you will learn what it implies to become a tipping point for civilizational transformation, as a leadership opportunity and responsibility. You will also learn how to find your unique Wisdom voice as a transition team leader and how to communicate harmonically from this place of deep wisdom and trust.
If you are a leader, change agent, influencer, or catalyst working with transformational change this Module provides essential knowledge, wisdom, and practice for your role and impact in the world. All the strategies and practices that are shared in this module have also been applied in the design and implementation of the EARTHwise Tipping Point System.
This Module will support you to:
- Access and apply the consciousness states of trinity vision, for bringing clarity and evolutionary coherence in times of rapid catalytic change.
- Discover the science of evolutionary coherence and how to apply this to your tipping point potential.
- Explore what becomes possible when you become a generative tipping point for civilizational transformation.
- Learn how to work with the ancient martial arts wisdom of guiding the energy flows of tipping point dynamics, without getting caught in the wave.
- Discover the Wisdom voice that carriers us through our rite of passage during times of accelerated change, and how to apply this in your communication as a transition team leader.
Practice 3 - The Wisdom Voice
The power to communicate harmonically from wisdom.
This will help you to:
- Hear the voice of wisdom that carries us over the threshold, and through the darkness so safe new grounds of being.
- Be a voice of calm, wisdom, clarity and love through times of great change and uncertainty, bringing trust in the process of change.
- Communicate from a place of wisdom and evolutionary coherence,

Growth is intrinsic to Life ~ we all desire to grow! And yet, have we ever explored deeply where growth originates from and the various phases of growth, including death and dissolution? During this Module I will share with you what I learned through my PhD research about the core reason for humanity's current sustainability crisis, and how this relates to us not understanding growth, I will share with you the fundamental principles of growth from a healthy living system's perspective, and why this knowledge is essential for transition leaders and change agents.
We will explore "the cosmological infodynamics of the Implicate Order also known as the Akashic Field", and I will share with you the Vector of Love methodology from my TEDx talk, for applying this knowledge.
This Module will support you to:
- Explore cosmological dimensions of growth as a torus, and how to work with the principles of non-linearity, complexity, and evolutionary coherence to develop thrivability growth systems, for your life and your work.
- How to apply the science of thrivability growth and the principles of healthy living systems, to various growth phases for transformational purposes.
- How to work with growth as an evolutionary process, which provide a very different focus from the way our societies typically pursue growth.
- Experience the implicate order growth dynamics of the Cosmic dimensions through a guided visioning session, which will revolutionise your life and your tipping point potential.
- Become a Vector of Love as a Transition Team Leader.
Practice 4 - The Vector of Love
Develop the power of love in action.
This will help you to:
- Find the power of Love in the places of darkness and uncertainty, from where we gain the strength to accept what we cannot change and change that which we can be changed and no longer serves;
- Hold a place of wholeness and unity through which love empowers the actions for what is necessary and gives direction through transitions that are challenging,
- Deepen your coherence of being, the foundation for trust and inspiring collective leadership for the responsibilities that are ours to shoulder together.

This Module helps you to develop your visionary and future capacities. Through Leading from Tomorrow you will learn how to access your future potentials and develop important intuitive sensing abilities for working with emergence.
Tomorrow already exists within the field of possibilities, today. In fact, tomorrow began 13,8 billion years ago when our Cosmos exhaled deeply and the playing field of our Universe came into being.
Tomorrow’s potentials are here within you right now. Yet, if you are not attuned to how the future reaches into you, you won't be able to consciously become future creative. Through this Module you will learn to access and develop the sensory organs of your future self. Leadership for transition times and transformational change requires this visionary capacity.
This Module will support you to:
- Discover your future capacities by learning how to access and develop the sensory organs of your future self.
- Participate in a deeply moving guided meditation exercise as we journey into the future of a more evolved and mature humanity, to experience first-hand how you can lead from tomorrow (Prepare to have your worldview rattled to the core in this exercise).
- Expand and deepen your visionary abilities.
- Learn how to access the field of possibilities from the dimensions beyond space-time.
Practice 5 - The Inner Sun
Develop the power to energise your intentions.
This will help you to:
- Become a beautiful Sun of inspiration, Light and clarity, deeply Sourced from Life.
- Develop a greater depth of leadership responsibility for what we create and bring into life, and how to honour what is complete and make space for new beginnings;
- Develop your inner Source of power and presence.

Evolutionary leadership is one of the most important competencies for transition team leaders to develop today. A transition time provides incredible opportunities for evolutionary growth. As evolutionary leaders you become the attractor for the future of a more evolved humanity.
If you have never heard of the concept of evolutionary leadership or want to deepen your capacity as an evolutionary leader, this is the perfect Module for you. Evolutionary leadership is grounded in the new paradigm scientific understanding of Life as unified reality. This unified reality expresses as an evolutionary field of possibilities that remains unified in consciousness inwardly, while it diversifies and become more complex outwardly as space expands and time flows.
Through this Module we go into the heart of cutting-edge new paradigm sciences, and apply this to our practice, focus, and commitment as transition leaders and evolutionary change agents.
This Module will support you to:
- Work with the principles of evolutionary coherence and how to create attractors for transformational change.
- Work with the unified field of consciousness as a holographic informational field.
- Provide leadership for our evolutionary development.
- Deepen your capacity and practice as an evolutionary leader.
Practice 6 - The inner Moon
The power to magnetize your intentions
This will help you to:
- Develop a deeper responsibility and discernment of how to work with the magnetic power of attraction from a place of integrity, love and service;
- Develop your intuitive awareness and how to apply this in your leadership for transitions and rites of passage;
- Become more conscious of the process of manifestation, from the Field of Possibility and your potentialities.

Through this final Module we will share and celebrate with each other what we have learned and discovered through this Quest, and honour the completion. of our rite of passage. During this Module we will also explore how we can continue to learn, grow and work together as a thrivability community. We will complete the Quest through a beautiful ceremony of celebration and gratitude with the Field of Life.
Practice 7 - The Field of Life
The power to actualize your intentions.
This will help you to:
- Become conscious of the role and purpose of the Field of Life, in actualizing our intentions in Life-generative ways;
- Develop your custodianship abilities from the Field of Life, as a wise evolutionary leader;
- Deepen your inner mastery of working with the process actualization wisely.