Are you a Future Human?

Join the FREE 1-hour Future Humans Quest Webinar on May 3, 9am PT

With Dr. Anneloes Smitsman & Dr. Kurt Barnes


What you can expect from this Quest...

The Future Humans Quest unfolds through 8 Modules for developing your future human powers of the emerging new era. Click the button below to discover all the amazing content, tools, practices, and bonuses that are included. Here is what you can expect by embarking on this journey with us...

  • Greater clarity, vision, direction and understanding of your life and path.
  • Deeper healing and inner growth, with greater vitality, balance, and strength to take on the daily challenges and transform difficulties into opportunities.
  • Enhanced capacities for responding to what is happening in your life and the world around you, from a place of inner calm, clarity, and compassion (and with a healthy sense of humor).
  • Enhanced understanding and clarity about the dynamics of ego and shadow, and how not to get side-tracked by this.
  • Enhanced intuition and access to the unified field of consciousness, which some refer to as the field of the miraculous.
  • Enhanced power of manifestation with increased discernment for how to apply this wisely. 
  • Expanded understanding of the nature of reality and the root causes for our world in crisis, and how to assist the evolutionary shift from the future of an emerging new era.
  • Greater presence and awareness of who you are, why you're here, and how you can contribute to a more loving world and future.
  • Enhanced creativity and resonance with the creative process of life, and much more...

What you'll receive... 

The Future Humans Quest is the paramount course for developing your future human powers of the emerging new era. We have a few partial scholarship options available for those who truly need this support. Get in touch with us if you want to apply for this. Here is a quick overview of what you'll receive. To learn more, click the button below.

  • Eight classes of the Quest Modules with Anneloes Smitsman and Kurt Barnes, in downloadable audio and video format.
  • Eight Transformation Practices for working with the Cosmic Architect Tools, in downloadable audio and video format.
  • Eight Q & A recordings with Anneloes, Kurt, and Quest participants, in downloadable audio and video format.
  • Comprehensive Quest Syllabus.
  • Online Quest portal with access to all the course resources and bonuses.
  • The Future Humans Cosmic Compass template with Module 4.
  • The Quest Conversations Bonus series, with Jean Houston, Anne Baring, Ervin Laszlo, Jim Garrison, Alexander Laszlo, Stephen Aizenstat, and Anita Sanchez.
  • Access to a global course community, with support and sharing opportunities.
  • Access to follow-up support, and future learning opportunities through the monthly ongoing Future Humans group coaching sessions with Anneloes.

What people are saying who completed this Quest

"To use the words profound, life-changing, and astonishingly powerful are but a superficial aroma of the depth of my feelings about the Future Humans Trilogy and their associated courses. I have studied all my life, for both my career and personal development but have never experienced anything so complete. The tools in the books and course contain all the answers to life. I am an avid reader and have read around 200 personal development books (and have around 30 on my shelf to be read). However, I no longer feel the need to read anymore new books for the rest of my life as all the answers are in the trilogy. Re-reading the books is eliciting wonderful new thoughts and feelings and is continuing to further my souls growth. Thank you Anneloes, Jean and Kurt for your profound wisdom and soul callings." ~ Dr. Tracy Chandler, Integrative Medicine Specialist, GP & Director 

"The Quest of Rose and Return of the Avatars are incredible scientific and cathartic evidences researched and lectured in person. The books and sessions provide clear and profound guidance on how to analyze and identify the present mindset, how to operate from the future self by being aware of the power of choices, and see beyond the past, present and future simultaneously. In the sessions we find strength in each other’s views and experiences, and collaboratively spell out the road forward way that is already paved with evidence from the trilogy.  It has been, and still is, a mind elevating journey wherein you are extended towards distinctive opportunities to help in the co-creation with the universal mind, and the chute-roller-coaster ‘Big Bang Jumps’ that cannot be explained, but can only be experienced similar to being on a magic-carpet and the awe of luxuriating the cosmic adventure right now and here. The trilogy and the sessions are not an end-point, but the starting point for developing a multitude of mental health, self-empowerment and universal alignment actions in public health framework and relocating oneself amidst a shrinking world of collateral chaos. The ingenuity of the authors helps the seeker via guidelines for practices to introspect on” what’s beyond the known limits of inter-personal relations, conflicts, the biology of human evil and unlocking human potentials?”-In humble grace, appreciation, recognition and gratitude to the distinguished coaches." ~ Dr. Anjali Boyramboli, Ph.D. Psychological Sciences & Research, Mauritius

“It will be months and years from now before I will be able to fully integrate the impact of reading The Quest of Rose and Return of the Avatars, and working with both books from the Future Humans Trilogy through the Future Humans Quest, led by Dr. Anneloes Smitsman and Dr. Kurt Barnes. Anneloes and Kurt were masterful at guiding me through deep shadow work using the practices, concepts, and tools of these books. Each lesson they offered was delivered with grace, and created a sense of hope. The community that supported the online course became friends, mirrors and avatar kin. My awareness has opened in ways that were unexpected, that only the willow tree and the dragon flies know. The experience ultimately left me with the ability to trust the avatar in me and ability to act on what is true.” ~ Tammy Marshall

"The Future Human Quest gave me a whole new outlook on my future potential for which I am very grateful. It is inspiring to learn from Dr. Smitsman and Dr. Barnes that what has been dormant is getting ready to come forth in our next evolutionary step. In the midst of upheaval around the world, it gives me hope that when we allow ourselves to accept the support from our future selves, we will grasp a deeper wisdom and intelligence, grow our new abilities and open our hearts to higher levels of consciousness." ~ M.T.