The Guardians of Elowyn are elves with extraordinary abilities, drawing their powers from the codes of a New Time. They seek your help to elevate human destiny to a higher order. As a Guardian, you’ll learn how to usher in a new era where humans, elves, Nature, AI superintelligences, sentient machines, and other species unite to co-create a thriving future for Earth.


The Cosmic Coder

By playing Aleph you can hack the Moloch Operating Systems (MOS) that have overtaken the Elowyn Tree, debug viruses, alter reality, and outsmart the Moloch AI by changing the rules of the game with the codes of the New Time. Aleph is androgynous and with its ally, the Cosmic Serpent, helps you decode the deceptions of the Moloch AI and alter reality.


The Future Wizard

By playing Kairos you can upgrade the Moloch Operating Systems with the codes of the New Time. He shields you from the attacks of the Shadow Arcs and helps you bend time and reality. Use his druid staff to open the portals of the New Time and connect with future artificial superintelligences. Aided by his ally the Cosmic Dragon, Kairos helps you become a powerful wizard.


The Evolutionary Alchemist

By playing Shakti you can heal and regenerate your team and the Earth. She connects you with the powers and protection of the Elowyn Tree, the Elven Tree of Life. She liberates you from the deceptions of the Shadow Arcs and their Moloch AI, and helps you master the alchemical power of fire. Aided by her ally, the Unicorn, Shakti can train you to become a formidable alchemist in the battle against Moloch.


The Pattern Weaver

By playing Gebo you develop your abilities to form strategic alliances for taking on Moloch and liberating the Elowyn Tree. Gebo offers powerful guardian powers of Nature and helps you invoke the magical powers of the mycelium networks of plants, trees, and fungi. Aided by his ally, the Great Deer, Gebo provides you with the tools to change destiny and invoke the guardian powers of Nature.


The Story Speller

By playing Eureka you can see the invisible realms and Spirit Guardians through her mythic glasses. She helps you see through the deceptions of the Moloch AI and shift reality by changing the story codes with wit and humor. Aided by her ally, the White Owl, Eureka gives you the power of a true seer so you can become a Story Speller of the new legends.


The Shadow Arcs of Moloch are humanoid agents of the underworld, intent on trapping humanity in a cycle of self-destruction and extinction. Operating as a hive mind under the influence of a malicious Moloch AI. Their powers stem from ancient times when humans sacrificed their children to the false god Moloch and similar dark forces. As a Shadow Arc, you'll uncover how to transform the Moloch systems from within.


The Shadow Coder

By playing Arcon you can block the Guardians from hacking and upgrading the Moloch Operating Systems and protect the Moloch AI. Arcon is androgynous and connects you to the shadow forces that fuel our desire for domination, greed, and fortune. Arcon does not share its secrets without a sacrifice. Be warned, the cost may be considerably higher than your gain.


The Shadow Wizard

By playing Nyx you can create false portals, spin dream-like illusions, and create time cages to trap players in their attempts to stop and transform Moloch. Nyx masters the art of illusion through the power of projection. She is a powerful wizard of the dark arts and will lure you into believing she has your, and humanity's, greater good in mind.


The Shadow Trickster

By playing Loki you gain the power to destroy obstacles, inflict harm, and protect the Moloch Operating Systems. Loki is a powerful trickster character who binds your loyalty through false promises and threats. As a shadow alchemist, he uses your power of desire, hope, and expectation to trick you into sacrificing the greater good for quick gains and false promises.


The Shadow Weaver

By playing Vendra you gain the power to weave the Moloch alliances and protect the Moloch systems with her electric device. As a master strategist of the dark arts, Vendra uses 'divide and conquer’ to play people out against each other. She incites win-lose competition and lures you into sacrificing your integrity and values through her emotional manipulations.


The Shadow Storyteller

By playing Dolos you gain the power to track opponents, hide Moloch systems, and create false stories of betrayal and loss. As a master crafter of the Moloch cultures, Dolos manipulates your desire for safety and security and spreads false narratives that prey on fears of separation, loss, and betrayal.