Stories from Our Community

[NEWS] Landmark Strategic Partnership: SingularityNET & EARTHwise

Game-Changing Partnership for Massively Transformative Impact! EARTHwise and SingularityNET agree to enter into a landmark strategic partnership for taking on the wicked challenges of our time together and accelerating societal transformation. EARTHwise’s renowned living systems solutions for syste...

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The Hearth of Thrivability by Dr. Meredith Lowry

I want to tell you about an experience this week that warmed and filled my heart in a way that it spoke to me about what creates an atmosphere of Thrivability. 

I went to a holiday fundraising gathering event hosted by The Hearth, a local community storytelling organization started by a very specia...

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Essential Foundations for a Thrivability Civilization by Author Kim Conrad

There are numerous essential foundations for this unfolding of a new civilization based on Thrivability.

A couple of them are ‘inclusive diversity’ and ‘co-creative collaboration’. Inclusive diversity is the art of seeking out and leveraging the collective mixture of individual differences and simi...

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How the 5 Future Archetypes offered me ancestral transmutation & healing, using the healing power of Water

I am water

Sometimes can always depend on

Sometimes liquid...fits in anywhere

Sometimes vapor...ephemeral...I am there and then I am gone

Sometimes ice...but can be dissolved by fire

Sometimes swirling....with passion

Sometimes tranquil....with still desire

Always flowing....unaw...

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Resonant Revelations by Anna Ourusoff

Since having connected to EARTHwise through the Leadership Quest, and then the WOMENwise Quest, I have experienced some internal shifts that feel like great tectonic plates moving and reorganizing within me. The oceanic tides of energies, emotions, and mental patterns have begun to reorganize in w...

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Sacred Whispers by Kim Conrad

general stories of impact Mar 16, 2019




If you want clean energy
BE Clean Energy

Whatever toxic wastes you have stored inside
it’s time to clean them up to add more
and more clean energy to our world…
Wherever we are reactive, clean it up.
Wherever we harbor old anger or rage,
clean i

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Reflections from Meredith Lowry

general stories of impact Mar 16, 2019

I would like to share some of what is opening up for me as I am currently participating in The Wise Women Quest Anneloes Smitsman is offering through The Shift Network now.* I feel so blessed by Anneloes’ teachings for I have found them incredibly powerful for transforming some patterns I have bee...

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Feminine Perspective on Climate Change

In February 2019 Phil Bolsta from the Shift Network interviewed EARTHwise Founder, Anneloes Smitsman, about her perspective on Climate Change.



Welcome, Anneloes. Thank you for joining us today.

Oh, it’s so wonderful to be here with you, Phil. THank you so muc...

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WOMENwise Journeys and the wisdom of fire

As we look around, we can see that the heat is on…in our climate, in our politics, and in the way we relate with each other. Yet this same fire is also within all of us. Imagine what we can change in our world when we remember and accept the power that the element of fire gifts us, and we redirect t...

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The Wisdom of Kanyini – Love with Responsibility

“Kanyini is best expressed in English as the combination of the two words ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Unconditional Love’, but it is actually a relationship; it is an enormous caring with no limit – it has no timeframe: it is eternal” ~ `Uncle Bob Randall

To stop the worsening climate crisis and the ma...

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