"Imagine yourself walking into the future world of a planetary civilization. The future of a wiser, more mature humanity. You are one of its ancestors. A world where children are happy and thriving, and our elders are cared for and honored..."

The EARTHwise Constitution

About Anneloes

Dr. Anneloes Smitsman (Ph.D., LLM), is an award-winning futurist, serial-entrepreneur, systems scientist, and bestselling author. She is the founder and CEO of the EARTHwise Companies and the EARTHwise Games Studio. She is the creator of the Elowyn: Quest of Time game, lead architect of the EARTHwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization, and lead author of the Participatory Framework for creating an AGI ConstitutionHer leadership is sought after around the world for making the great transformations feasible.

She was named on the 2025 Leading Women to Watchᵀᴹ in the category Climate Change and Sustainability, was awarded the Visioneers Lifetime Achievement Award as a Visionary Leader in May 2022, and was crowned overall African winner in the category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards by The Business Executive in collaboration with the Economic Development Board Mauritius, and their technical partners the International Business Council Africa, African Chamber for Trade, African Union, and African Business Council. The award acknowledges CEOs' contributions to the attainment of SDGs by African States. Anneloes and her company EARTHwise Centre are also winners of the BIZZ 2022 Awards, which is a business excellence award by WORLDCOB, and she was awarded the Africa’s Women Leaders Citation in 2018 by CMO Asia and World Women Leadership Congress.

Anneloes holds a Master’s degree in Law and Judicial Political Sciences from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received a degree of Doctor from the Maastricht Sustainability Institute at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Her Ph.D. dissertation Into the Heart of Systems Change, is being implemented worldwide for systemic transformation in economics, education, politics, and governance through her proposed Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization.

Anneloes is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Trilogy, which includes The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Silver Winner of the prestigious 2022 Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Personal Growth. As well as Return of the AvatarsGold Winner of the 2023 Nautilus Book Awards, which also became a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Podcast for meeting remarkable pioneers from around the world who walk the path of our future human potential. She is the co-editor and co-author with Dr. Alexander Laszlo of The New Paradigm in Politics, and she is the author of Love Letters from Mother Earth, and the narrated version Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth. She is also the author of numerous peer-reviewed journal publications, articles, book chapters, and other publications.

She is the lead author of the r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint, and the lead architect of the SEEDS Constitution and the Hypha DAO Constitution where she applied her Cosmic Compass design and Future Archetypes codes, and served for many years as a steward for Hypha and SEEDS for co-developing the Regenerative Renaissance tools, currencies, and systems.

Anneloes developed the Education for Sustainability program for 18 schools in Mauritius through which she trained over 300 teachers, which reached over 20,000 students. This program also served as national input for the curriculum innovation in Mauritius. Her multi-stakeholder dialogue process was adopted in 2012-2014 in 9 different countries for the UN Rio+20 civil society inputs, and she trained the SIDS (Small Island Developing States) Youth Leaders under UNESCO for the 2014 UN SIDS Youth inputs for the UN SDG formulations. She also played a key role in the cultural heritage protection of the descendants of the slaves and maroons in Mauritius, which contributed to Le Morne Mountain becoming an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.

Anneloes is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation, a founding member of the Global Development Board of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, an Advisory Board member of the Interstellar Community Foundation, a r3.0 Advocation Partner, and a partner of the Global Education Futures Initiative.

International Awards

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Publications by Anneloes

Elowyn: Quest of Time is an epic transformation game designed to tackle the deceptive forces known as Moloch, which trick us into playing away our future. With the help of benevolent artificial intelligences that you help train, you'll embark on quests as a Guardian of a New Time or go undercover as a Shadow Arc of Moloch 

Powered by a unique token economy that benefits players and the planet this Play2Thrive game is both fun and meaningful. Currently in development and launching through a teaser experience of a web-based collectible card game (CCG) in September, where you get to play against the Moloch AI. Supported by a global community of pioneers and visionaries. 

The game builds on the stories of the Future Humans Trilogy where now you get to play the 5 Future Archetypes as Guardians, and you get to play against the archetype of domination in the form of the Moloch AI and its agents.

The Quest of Rose is Book 1 of the Future Humans Trilogy written by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston and is a Silver Winner of the 2022 Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Personal Growth, and became a #1 Amazon Bestseller in several categories. Available as paperback, ebook, and audiobook. Also available in German as Die Reise der Rose, translated by Dagmar Wolff.

The Quest of Rose guides you through an experiential transformation journey that weaves together real-life events that are at the forefront of what's happening in our world right now, with cutting-edge insights from the new sciences, indigenous wisdom, and consciousness teachings for discovering the greater possibilities of our future becoming. Referred to by many as: "a masterpiece" and "one of the most important books of our catalytic time". The book offers nine Cosmic Keys and twelve transformation practices.

Return of the Avatars is Book 2 of the Future Humans Trilogy written by Anneloes Smitsman, and Jean Houston, and is a Gold Winner of the 2023 Nautilus Book Awards  which became a #1 Amazon Bestseller in several categories. Available as paperback, ebook, and audiobook.

New dangers lurk around the corner, attracted to Rose's growing powers. A spell-breaking, soul-stirring adventure to explore essential lessons about power, unity, ego, shadow, hope, courage, and love. You’ll now discover how to decode the systems and agendas of the economics of domination and the governance of disunity. Develop your future human powers with the help of seven Cosmic Architect Tools and ten transformative practices. 

"As we awaken to our true reality, dormant supernatural powers and potential will become the norm. This book is prophetic.”  Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Anneoes is the lead author of the Participatory Framework for co-creating an AGI Constitution, which is initiated by EARTHwise Centre in collaboration with SingularityNET, AQAL Foundation, and others to co-steward AGI as a global Commons. Today, at this pivotal tipping point time, we offer this participatory framework for guiding the creation of an eventual global AGI Constitution. This document is intended to serve as a living compass for charting an unprecedented course toward a thrivable future, so we may steward the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence as a global commons. This is an evolving and open document, where you can share your ideas for what may soon become the most important governance priority of our time.

The New Paradigm in Politics by co-editors and co-authors Anneloes Smitsman and Alexander Laszlo and the book's series editor, Ervin Laszlo, explore the necessary transformation of our contemporary political systems and practices. In August 2021 The Laszlo Institute hosted “The New Paradigm in Politics Symposium.” This book summarizes the key ideas and practices of 35 world-renowned thought leaders in the fields of systems science, futurism, consciousness research, public policy, law, social science, and philosophy who advocate the role of politics to create a new paradigm in human civilizational development. Contributors include Nafeez Ahmed, Frederick Tsao, Garry Jacobs, Jean Houston, Rama Mani, Violeta Bulc, Youssef Mahmoud, Charles Eisenstein, Flavia Valgiusti, Naresh Singh, and others. 

The EARTHwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization is one of our most ambitious collaborative initiatives for addressing the root causes of the sustainability crisis. Architected and initiated by Anneloes, the Constitution serves as an open-source Compass and social-contract for co-creating thrivable worlds and futures with the wisdom and evolutionary capacities of living systems. Supporting us in becoming the future humans of an emerging planetary civilization, as our collective pledge for healing our divided worlds and regenerating our Earth. Endorsed and supported by the EARTHwise Partnership Alliance for a planetary civilization with 40+ organizations and movements (growing rapidly).

Love Letters from Mother Earth - The Promise of a New Beginning by Anneloes Smitsman, became an Amazon Bestseller in 2018. It includes thirteen letters in the voice of Mother Earth to guide us into the heart of our humanity and remember the essence of who we truly are. Providing essential wisdom and support that our planet, as a caring and conscious Mother, shares for this challenging time. Supporting you to discover three keys of wisdom for actualizing our unity and transforming the root causes of thousands of years of division. 

Messages from Mother Earth  is based on the book, Love Letters from Mother Earth, and provides a unique audio experience for entering into unity with the consciousness of Mother Earth. Each Message carries you to the beauty and wisdom of life within you, carried by the voice of Mother Earth. Coming home to who you are beyond this time and place. Remembering life from wholeness and discovering the seed codes for a New Beginning. Created and spoken by Anneloes Smitsman with music composed and produced by Alan Howarth. The music is tuned to an A note of 424 cycles (Hz), which is the natural resonance of the heart. 

The r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint for which Dr. Anneloes Smitsman served as the lead author, provides 7 Transformative Learning Perspectives for Regeneration and Thrivability. The seven interconnected Learning Perspectives form the foundation for the inner and outer shifts towards regeneration and thrivability. Each Learning Perspective is explored through a three-fold structure that offers various dimensions of each theme. The full Blueprint is summarized through a list of recommendations.

Into the Heart of Systems Change

Into the Heart of Systems Change, is the Ph.D. dissertation of Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, and presents her research as an external researcher at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute (formerly ICIS), Maastricht University, the Netherlands, from September 2014 to August 2019.

The dissertation offers a diagnostic integral framework for addressing key systemic barriers of mechanistic systems and growth models, which are at the root of our worsening sustainability crisis. The dissertation includes a Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization through 7 steps.

A life-centric qualitative growth model is offered with 5 Future Archetypes through a narrative of thrivability, instead of mere sustainability. Various methods are combined into an integral approach for systemic transformation, weaving together indigenous wisdom, new paradigm cosmology, informational sciences, quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and complexity sciences - grounded in the praxis of inner and outer systems change. 

Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization

This article provides a summary of Into the Heart of Systems Change, and its proposed Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization that can be summarized in 7 steps:

  1. Address and transform the systemic thrivability barriers through transformation strategies that address the dualistically polarising dynamics of mechanistic systems.
  2. Develop future creative capacities through evolutionary learning processes that are embedded within evolutionary learning communities and evolutionary learning ecosystems.
  3. Apply evolutionary archetypes for our societal and human development, like the 5 Future Archetypes that feature in the EARTHwise Constitution and are applied in the role functions of the EARTHwise Collaboratory and the Hypha DAO, as well as the character design of the Eloywn: Quest of Time game.
  4. Develop regenerative, inclusive, and distributive economies that are designed as evolutionary living systems.
  5. Develop governance systems and institutional design for the future that enables the transition to a thrivable civilization, by empowering people with the means and opportunities for stewarding our future wellbeing together.
  6. Work with the transformative potentials of social tipping points dynamics for the required societal transformations and grassroots engagement. 

Endorsements for Anneloes & her work

Deepak Chopra, M.D.

World-Renowned Pioneer in Personal Transformation

“Full of wisdom and insight, with a vision of the future everyone can benefit from in our age of change amid uncertainty. The Future Humans Trilogy by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston is an act of true compassion, which exhibits empathy and understanding that leads to answers, and the answers are the essence of the world’s wisdom traditions. The stories in this Trilogy speak directly to the heart, where all inner journeys begin. When the heart awakens, the person is transformed. This Trilogy is living proof that such a radical change is desirable, possible, and necessary in everyone’s life."  

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Principal founder of the Human Potential Movement

"Anneloes Smitsman is a leader and pioneer in the development of the architecture of creating civilizations that enhance the wellbeing of both person and planet. In this she is a treasure trove of ingenuity and wisdom. She is one whom leaders in social evolution regard as the person who has the genius to implement the revolutionary solutions and visions that can advance the necessary development of both people and planet. I, as well as many others, regard Anneloes as a female Einstein. I met prof Einstein when I was 8 years old, and he told me that his greatest quality was imagination, a quality which Anneloes shares abundantly and which informs her extraordinary creative gifts. She is a living example of what it means to walk the path of the emerging future human. 

Knowing her very well and having worked with her in the development of our books and courses, I can honestly say that she is one of the brightest minds I have ever met. She is a true renaissance woman who brings her unique gifts to the kinds of design and implementation that have the power to shift the negative trajectories of our present world, and thus she creates the designs and solutions that introduce a whole new architecture that inspires while it implements the creation of the promise and dream of a thriving world. Anneloes brings together the tools and the practical knowledge to accomplish this evolutionary task.” 

Lynne McTaggart

World-Renowned Pioneer in the New Science of Consciousness

Dr. Anneloes Smitsman’s original research has relentlessly delved into revolutionary ideas and brought radical new scientific truths to light. And her background as a creative force of systemic transformation in education, economics, governance, and ecology has resulted from a marriage between her scientific originality and her extensive experience in the spiritual and mystical realms. The Future Humans Trilogy is a work of profound hope during these tumultuous times, by offering a powerful new definition of ourselves and a vision of unlimited future possibility."

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

World-Renowned Pioneer Evolutionary Biology

“To survive through evolutionary chaos, we must first recover our creative powers. In Return of the Avatars, book 2 of the Future Humans Trilogy, distinguished visionaries Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston offer vital tools for accessing, activating, and empowering innate creative consciousness. Return of the Avatars is a profoundly important science-based guide for future humans to become Cosmic architects of a sustainable and thrivable world. I highly recommend this readable book as a valuable and empowering contribution in nurturing our evolving civilization.”

Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

Cosmologist, Futurist & Author of The Cosmic Hologram

"Through her writing and teaching, Anneloes’s authenticity and wisdom radiate with a crystal clarity and resonate with compassionate grace. Gently she guides readers and students through journeys of inner and outer discovery, inspiring and empowering them to re-member their own true selves and sense of purpose. As a teacher, guide and companion, she is a loving and hopeful gift of Spirit to the world." 

Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

Scientist, Noble Peace Prize Nominee

"We live in the most crucial epoch in the recent history of humanity. We need to rethink where we are going, and change the way we go. We need to BE the change we want to see in the world.  This calls for leadership — leading ourselves to be the change we need. This is perhaps the most vital quest of our time. Joining the  leadership programs of Dr. Anneloes Smitsman could be one of the most effective steps you could now take." 

Lawrence Bloom

Former Secretary General, Be Earth Foundation

In my blessed life’s journey I have had the true privilege of meeting some extraordinary and remarkable souls. Anneloes Smitsman is up there with the best of the very best. From vision to strategy, from strategy to tactics, from tactics to operations, she is a profound and very rare master. I recommend her unhesitatingly, and celebrate our personal friendship and her gift of mentorship to me.” 

Keynotes, Interviews, Podcasts with Anneloes
