Every last Tuesday of the month, Anneloes facilitates a live online group coaching class for supporting people to actualize their future human potential in a whole systems way. Each class brings with a unique teaching and practice, followed by a Q & A with participants through which Anneloes intuits the next developmental steps for people on the call.

This video practice is part of the Future Humans July group coaching class for working with pushback situations and restrictive dynamics. During this unique session Anneloes talked about her real-life story, how she helped to uncover and protect an ancient maroon legend in Mauritius, which to Le Morne Mountain becoming an UNESCO World Heritage Site. To learn more, or join the upcoming live coaching sessions, click the button below.

Join the next live Group Coaching Class with Anneloes

What people say about their Group Coaching with Anneloes

"I highly recommend monthly group coaching sessions with Anneloes. They are invaluable in integrating the books' understanding, wisdom, and tools. Anneloes is a brilliant teacher and a phenomenal coach and mentor. By combining classical teaching, practices, meditations, and dialogue, Anneloes supports the participants both to understand, embody, and be ready to apply the wisdom in everyday life." ~ Hege Forbech Vinje, Ph.D., Norway

"I have not experienced a single session without jaw-dropping and deep new realizations for many that ripple through daily life and work long after the sessions complete. " ~ Dr. Dagmar Wolff, Ph.D., M.D., Germany

"Future Human Coaching sessions with Anneloes has been one of the most transformative opportunities of my life. The teachings have created a clear pathway to call forward my future potential to present day; to be able to live life transformatively, with clearer presence and intention in my choices and interactions." ~ Kristie Googin, United States

"The coaching and mentoring calls with Anneloes have been essential in receiving real life guidance on how to navigate the process of creating the Future that we choose. " ~ Dona Tumacder-Esteban, Philippines 

Online Courses with Anneloes